Sohel, as a Rope Access Technician with 11 years of experience, worked on maintenance projects as a roofer, welder (6G) on heights, aluminium window Installer, glass installer and pipe fitter. His maintenance projects included checking and fixing the watertightness of the high-rise building and changing silicon. His qualifications include a Diploma in Electrical Engineering and certifications in workplace safety, construction supervision, and welding techniques.
- SSC – Secondary School Certificate (2010)
- Diploma in Electrical Engineering (2022)
- Singapore Technical Skills:
- Workplace Safety & Health (Level-B) – Safety Coordinator
- Building Construction Safety Supervisor
- Rope Access Technician – IRATA Level 1 Course
- Shielded Metal ARC Welding (Smaw)
Working Experience: In Singapore, Sohel has excelled in roles such as Roof & Driver, where his duties included:
- Building washing and repainting
- Glass cleaning using water blasting hoses
- Water pasting and sealing
Sohel’s Work Photos